Dandruff is not a pleasant phenomenon – it spoils your appearance and causes discomfort, and can be a sign not only of seborrhoeic dermatitis, but also of some other unpleasant skin ailment.

Dandruff or seborrhoeic dermatitis is a skin condition that is more likely to flare up seasonally, from autumn to spring. There are people whose skin condition is also affected by wearing a head covering, but this is not necessarily the case with seborrhoeic dermatitis. Synthetic and coarse wool will cause discomfort for those with sensitive skin, allergies, atopic dermatitis.

Although prolonged head covering can certainly worsen skin conditions, the main contributors to dandruff are the skin’s reaction to cold weather, the marked difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors, and central heating that dries out the indoor air.

Factors that can provoke dandruff:

  • Stressful situations
  • Seasonal changes
  • Specific features of the diet
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Various skin irritants (detergents, soaps)

Hair and scalp treatments are needed during the exacerbation period, when scaling and itching are pronounced. Shampoo three times a week during this period. If there is an improvement after about a month, you can use the shampoo only once a week. However, if it does not help, you should definitely see your doctor, as you may also need an anti-inflammatory medicine.

“Anita Jermolajeva, a pharmacist at Euroaptieka, confirms that complaints are more frequent in winter. The pharmacist’s job is to recommend the right product for each client, depending on whether the scalp is inflamed, red or just dandruff. The shampoo is chosen on this basis.

Labo’s therapeutic shampoos prevent dandruff, seborrhoea and limit the growth of fungus. They contain active ingredients such as salicylic acid and zinc pyrithione (antibacterial and antifungal action). If there is severe scaling with spots, a shampoo with salicylic acid, which has a keratolytic action, should be used to cleanse the skin of dandruff. Shampoos relieve the troublesome itching because they also contain a soothing ingredient such as panthenol.

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